Intelligent Production Control System
Security Control and Management System
Unmanned Metering System
Full Energy Management and Control System
Material Lifetime Management System
Pelletizing Expert System
Unattended Belt System
3D System

Solution for intelligent Production Management and Control System


With the rapid development of science and technology, the industry in the world has entered a new development epoch. Germany proposed "Industry 4.0", the United States proposed the "National Strategic Plan for Advanced Manufacturing", Japan proposed the "Science and Technology Industry Alliance", and the United Kingdom proposed "Industry 2050 Strategy", China also proposed "Made in China 2025". The fourth industrial revolution also provides an opportunity to the promoting MES, and the extensive application of ERP and PCS in manufacturing enterprises also provides a good foundation for MES. But for now, the understanding and implementation of MES varies from industry to industry, and the development is unbalanced in different regions. Therefore, industries and enterprises should choose MES suitable for their own development according to their own conditions and characteristics to solve the problems that the traditional manufacturing information systems and process control systems are lack of information connection. Therefore, implementing MES in manufacturing enterprises is of great significance.

First of all, MES is not only an important part of the implementation of Industry 4.0, but also an effective means of deep integration of the two industries which has attracted more and more attention. MES has become the core management system for enterprise transformation, upgrading and sustainable development.

Second, the current market situation in the mining industry requires in-depth implementing enterprise fine management, which requires implementing MES that can realize production management informatization in factory, mine, workshop, and manufacturing execution process monitoring informatization.

Third, monitoring the mine production process is inconvenient, and the standard of process control stability is difficult to meet. MES realizes the transparency and scientific management of the production process in factories, mines and workshops. It can timely find out the root that causes problems affecting product quality and consumption costs, improve the real-time and flexibility of planning, and at the same time improve the output efficiency of the production line which makes the process line produce the designed output or beyond the design capability.


The solution for MES provides enterprises with an effective way that can realize transparent management in the production process. It is an information management system with production management as the core, helping enterprises to establish an integrated and transparent production site process control management platform, and to build a complete production process database which can real-time monitoring and comprehensive traceability in the production process, and continuously improve product output and quality through statistical analysis of data, so as to continuously improve market influence.

System Composition and Architecture

Taking production process as the principal line, based on real-time industrial data such as automation, measurement, and energy; MES runs through professional management process such as production, quality, scheduling, equipment, technology, procurement, sales, and energy, covers twelve functional modules, that is management, technical management, production shipping, production scheduling, production control, product inventory, material management, equipment management, energy management, quality management, measurement management, system management.

Benefit and Effect

The main management effects are as follows:

The management level has been significant improved.

Strengthen centralized management, form a collaborative mechanism, and promote collaborative management

Weaken functional management and strengthen process management.

Promote standardized management and improve execution.

Promote refined management and strengthen management intensity.

Improve management transparency and increase management binding.

The management efficiency has been significant improved

The system can reflect production, measurement, quality, logistics and other data timely and dynamically, and can be queried and applied at any time.

Data and information are got from the lowest level of measurement, quality inspection, equipment acquisition or automatically generated by the system, which is timely and accurate.

Leaders and managers at all levels are freed from a large number of repetitive tasks with low management content.

In the past, work that required manual methods and took a lot of manpower and time is now transformed into simple and short-lived work with the help of information technology, and the work efficiency has been improved hundreds of times .

Management foundation has been strengthened

Provide true and accurate data. From manual input to direct collecting from automated instruments and meters into the secondary database for processing and sorting, the data is transparent whose authenticity can be guaranteed.

Accelerate data analysis and response. The system automatically forms a visual report board, which can make you pays attention to the real-time production situation on site in real time at any places.

Solution for Security Control Management System


"Safety is for production, and production must be safe". Safe production is the premise of sustainable development of enterprises. Safety management information system is an important part of enterprise information management. It provides decision-making basis for strengthening safety management via information release, information feedback and data analysis.

Integrate and establish a set of safety management information system covering the whole company, popularize safety laws and regulations and safety technology knowledge, enrich basic safety information, realize information sharing. The system uses information system process control and comprehensive data analysis capabilities to guide basic levels by carrying out professional management work, to provide "one-click" services for safety inspections and inspections at all levels. Strengthening implementing step-by-step responsibilities, promoting professional management progress, and improving overall safety management level have become an urgent need for enterprises.


The system embodies concepts of "processcontrol", "system management" and PDCA cycle management,covering all business processes and elements of safety management. It clarifiesthe job responsibilities of all employees, emphasizes full participation, takesprocess approval, safety reward and punishment assessment as a means andstrengthens internal management and strict responsibility performance. It buildsa supervision and inspection system, standardizes safety inspection plans,improves the quality and efficiency of safety inspections, and effectivelyprevents safety risks; gives full play to the information technology advantagesto achieve "standard basic data, clear safety responsibilities, effectiveinspection supervision, intelligent on-site management and control, automatassessment and evaluation, whole-process supervision and control, continuouswork improvement, and normal cultural construction.” At last, the system realizesthe "normalization, grid, traceability, convenience, refinement andeffectiveness" of safety management work, and promotes the safetymanagement level.

System function and business architecture

Portal website: Visual window, overall grasp security status.

Safety management visualization platform: production early warning index, risk and hidden danger dynamics, today in history, four-color image.

Hidden danger investigation and safety production early warning system: safety production index, index trend, detailed safety production report, and rectification of hidden dangers.

Classified management and control of security risks: risk identification, risk assessment, risk management and control, and closed-loop management.

Hidden hazard checking and governance: formulating checking standards, hidden hazard checking and governance, and monitoring hidden hazard rectification process.

Safety education and training: safety training plan, safety training record maintenance, safety education and training file query, safety education video upload.


Refinement of safety responsibilities: a management system with every employee included in.

Standardization of management system: build a safety system, solidify the process, and optimize management.

Specialized knowledge accumulation: there are laws and regulations to follow in safety inspections, and build a knowledge base for safety production.

On-site management mobilization: mobile spot check, hidden danger shorthand, accident report, personnel quick check.

Solution for Unmanned Metering System


As the traditional manufacturing industry, mining enterprises mainly use iron ores as raw materials. Differences in domestic geological features and sorting techniques make the daily processing volume of raw materials relatively large. Moreover, the logistics links of production, supply and sales are closely connected between upstream and downstream. Therefore, the logistics in mining enterprises is the economic lifeline of the entire mining enterprise. Therefore, strengthening the intelligent logistics management is of great significance for the intelligent development of mining enterprises. Especially currently with the rapid development of logistics modernization, the development level of logistics intelligence in mining enterprises has reached to a certain extent, representing the development level of intelligent mine construction.

In recent years, with the introduction of logistics 4.0 and the rapid development of social logistics, mining enterprises have become more and more aware of the loopholes and pain points in their own logistics management, which have brought great hidden dangers and risk to resource management and production and operation. Therefore, constructing enterprise logistics management and control platform has become the development trend in mining enterprise logistics management.


The technology enterprise logistics management and controlplatform is an effective tool to improve the overall logistics intelligentmanagement. The traditional weighing management software only focuses on theenterprise's finance and inspection which is difficult to take into account theentire logistics management chain. The logistics management and controlplatform not only can realize the logistics management and control, but also itis an indispensable part in the entire intelligent mine construction and a keypart in the mining enterprise. Through applying the logistics management andcontrol platform, it can help enterprises to strengthen logistics managementand control, and at the same time, make the professional management in departmentssmoother. Especially for the problems of many professional personnel involved,irregular process,   low efficiency, and large cheating space, the systemminimizes personnel involved, standardizes the shipping process, improves businessexecution efficiency, and prevents cheating.

System Function and Architecture

Unattended weighing system: The system supports multi-media such as IC card, vehicle number identification, RFID, etc., and various application scenarios such as weighing with drivers getting off or not getting off the vehicle, and early warning of various special situations such as overweight and overload management and control, sold quantities being over-provisioned management and control, and the original purchased raw materials.

Financial settlement: directly connect with the financial system, and the data is synchronized with the financial system in real time. Contract settlement and pricing management can also be performed based on measurement and laboratory data.

Mobile APP: Through the application of cloud platform + metering APP, managers can conduct customer management, dispatching management, real-time data query, and abnormal reminders through mobile terminals.

Big data processing platform: logistics information such as logistics dynamics, weighbridge operation, etc. is clear at a glance.

Effect and Benefit


Solidify the logistics management process and standardize the logistics management business.

The transition from human defense to technical defense reduces management risks and plugs management loopholes.

The quality data cannot be changed which is seamlessly connected with the financial system.

The intelligent logistics development has driven the improvement of the overall intelligence level.


Reduce personnel participation and reduce labor costs.

Eliminate fraudulent behaviors such as lost goods and one vehicle of materials weighing repeated, and reduce losses.

Improve operation and maintenance efficiency and reduce operation and maintenance costs.

Solutions for Energy Management and Control System


With the acceleration of my country's urbanization, industrialization and modernization, my country's demand for energy has been growing rigidly. Sustained high-speed economic growth has caused a series of problems such as the energy supply crisis. Economic development and increasing pressure on environmental resources make China's energy conservation and emission reduction situation extremely severe.

At the national level, energy conservation and emission reduction have been the focus in national planning outlines, government work reports, and government economic meetings. At the enterprise level, under the pressure of resources and environmental protection, production and power restrictions occur from time to time. Production capacity is limited, production costs increase, and profit margins shrink. Therefore, energy conservation, emission reduction and low-carbon environmental protection are not only a hot topic in society, but also the only way for enterprises developpment in the future.

As traditional manufacturing industry, mining enterprises are recognized as high-energy-consumption enterprises which are the national energy conservation and emission reduction vanguards. Secondly, the energy consumption of mining enterprises accounts for more than 70% of the daily production costs, and energy costs directly determine the production costs and profit margins.

The informatization and intelligent construction of mining enterprises started late, and the intelligence level is backward. The contradiction between the traditional management model and the modern management concept is becoming more and more prominent, exposing a series of management problems.

Therefore, by accelerating constructing the energy management system, we can build a reasonable and efficient information transmission platform and management platform for enterprises which is an effective means to continuously improve the energy management level and continuously improve the energy utilization rate to enable the managers to fully and deeply understand the energy utilization, and to discover the energy-saving space for the operation of production and equipment.


The energy management system provides systematic solutions for energy utilization of mining enterprises.

System Function and Architecture

Real-time monitoring of enterprise energy consumption

Enterprise energy analysis

Abnormal power alarm

Energy data as support for assessment

Benefit and Effect

Application benefits

Production unit consumption and production costs are significantly reduced.

Energy efficiency has been significantly improved.

Apply effects

The awareness of energy saving and consumption reduction has been significantly improved, and all employees have participated in the energy saving and consumption reduction work.

Middle and high-level managers begin to pay attention to daily energy consumption, and they are well aware of the overall energy consumption.

The level of refined management has been improved, and the management benefits are obvious.

Solutionfor Material Lifetime Management System


The material management quality directly affects the business activities and economic benefits of production, technology, finance, labor and transportation. Strengthening material management is of great significance for reducing costs, accelerating capital turnover, increasing corporate profits, and promoting corporate development. In order to adapt to the requirements of grouping and internationalization and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises, major enterprises are strengthening material management and establishing material accounting platforms for managing the whole process of material delivery, use and recycling, and strive to solve the pain points such as after taken where the materials used for, whether materials have been used, whether repaired spare parts can be put into storage in time, whether the service life of materials can be accurately mastered, and whether waste materials can be handed over in time.


The material life-time management and accounting system aims at managing material life cycle, optimizing and solidifying the management processes such as material in and out warehouse, material flow direction, material recovery, etc., and refines material consumption to the smallest accounting unit. The system builds a standardized information management platform to promote the material management transformed from extensive to refined mode.

System Function and Architecture

In and out warehouse management: material in warehouse, withdrawal after in warehouse, material out warehouse, withdrawal after out warehouse.

Material tracking: warehouse positioning, material installation/distribution, material disassembly, material repair, material scrap.

Material recycling: waste materials are handed over to the recycling process, and the management of applying exempted old materials.

Life analysis: the actual life of the material is the basis for quality claims and protecing quality rights and interests.

Early warning analysis: multi-service data early warning, professional personnel reminding.

Data integration: Carry on ERP entry and exit vouchers to deepen software data depth.


Improve the level of refined materials management.

Reduce material spare parts consumption.

Create conditions for optimizing procurement, safeguarding rights, and guiding plans.

Reduce inventory in factories and mines and compress inventory capital occupation.

Realize the early warning of spare parts procurement for key equipment.

Waste material recycling is effectively monitored.

Solution for Pelletizing Production Control System


In order to increase production, reduce consumption, and improve product quality, pelletizing enterprises often need to study advanced control and efficient control for the production process after realizing basic automation. Therefore, the requirements of "smooth operation of production equipment and stable product quality" are put forward to promote changing production management mode in pellet plants and improve the intelligent manufacturing level of pelletizing.

At the market level, enterprises are generally faced with overcapacity problem, and the market competition is fierce; at the social level, the rising labor costs and the heavy burden of environmental resources have brought great pressure to the transformation and upgrading of enterprises; at the technical level, on the basis of general automation, vigorous development of technologies such as the Internet of Things, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence has provided strong technical support for the further intelligent upgrade of the manufacturing industry.

With the development of modern information technology , more and more attention has been paid to enterprise intelligent management. Based on the existing management module, with intelligent planning, intelligent execution and intelligent control as the core, and intelligent decision-making as the basis, intelligently allocate enterprise resources to realize an efficient management system of "human-machine coordination " in the enterprise.

The pelletizing production involves many processes which are closely related. If any link is not in place, it will affect the economic benefits. Therefore, mastering more actual conditions on the pelletizing site, improving the judgment and processing ability of production management personnel, and strengthening the improvement and perfection of pelletizing production have also become the guarantee for the smooth operation of pelletizing production.

The pelletizing production control system is based on the status quo of production management, with production control as the core which includes production management, production information, production technology, inspection management, belt cleaning management, equipment management, process facility management, shift management, ingredient management, intelligent control, three-dimensional pelletizing and other functional modules, build a management control and feedback system, aiming to improve the intelligent manufacturing level of enterprises.


Through constructing the pelletizing production management and control system, a unified platform for comprehensive production management and intelligent control is provided for pelletizing enterprises, to improve the intelligent manufacturing level.

Function and Architecture

Production Monitoring

Production Information

Inspection Management

Belt Conveyor Cleaning

Equipment Management

Ingredient Management

Process Facility Management

Intelligent Control

3D pelletizing


The L2 pelletizing production management and control platform caters to "intelligent manufacturing", realizes comprehensive management and intelligent control of pelletizing production, and provides wealthy reference information and decision-making basis for front-line production personnel; the three-dimensional pellet intuitively displays the on-site real-time running dynamics to realize the transition from traditional 2D to 3D.

Solution Unattended Belt ConveyorConsulting


Belt conveyors are the "big artery" connecting different processes in the beneficiation production, which occupies a very important position in the production. Whether conveyors can operate normally and effectively directly affects the stable and smooth running of the whole plant.

The unattended belt conveyor system removes the custodial posts and realizes the unattended belt conveyor system through effective technical and management means; and establishes a new production organization mode, implements a professional spot inspection and cleaning system, and the belt conveyor system can stably run in long term.

Video surveillance for remote monitoring:

Set up cameras at important locations to realize remote monitoring of key locations.

Automation technology ensures belt conveyors can stably run

Install the detection and protection devices such as belt deviation, slippage and material blocking which are connected to the control system to realize real-time monitoring and controlling the running status of the belt conveyors.

Strengthen belt conveyor management

To realize unattended belt conveyor running, in addition to necessary technical means, it is necessary to strengthen the management to realize the long-term stable running.

The unattended belt system can bring huge economic and management benefits:

Reduce the number of posts and save labor costs;

Reduce the problems of material loss and belt deviation, and reduce the labor intensity of cleaning and on-site processing problems;

The belt operation efficiency is improved, the downtime is reduced, and the production efficiency is improved;

By the control of dust, material loss, and deviation, the custodial posts are cancelled, the occupational diseases probability is reduced, and the accidents caused by belt are eliminated.

Management & Control
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